Vow exchange

Vows are words that the couple tells each other and can be combined with the ring exchange if desired. Many couples choose to write their own vows and they can be read by the couple from cards/notes or the officiant can help you repeat those line-by-line. 

 If you don't want to write your own vows, you can pick something to have the officiant have you repeat after them.   Some examples of vows the couple might repeat: 

Vow sample #1.
I, <Bride> take you <Groom>
to be my husband, my partner, and my one true love. 
I will treasure our friendship
and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.  

Vow sample #2. 
I <Bride>, choose you <Groom> 
To be my partner 
In friendship, adventure, and love. 
I accept you as you are, 
And ask that you be no one but yourself. 
I pledge to share my world with you, 
And to celebrate life with you, forevermore. 
I vow to always be there for you, 
And to let our love be the compass that guides me. 
I will respect you and love you always.

Vow sample #3.
I <Groom>, take you <Bride>, to be my wife.
In this moment I promise before these witnesses
to love and care for you all our days.
I accept you with your faults and strengths
even as I offer myself with my faults and strengths. 
I promise to support you when you need support, 
and to turn to you when I need support. 
I choose you as the one with
whom I will spend my life

Vow sample #4. 
I <Bride>, take you <Groom>
to be my husband 
in friendship and love, 
in strength and weakness 
On this day I affirm the relationship we have enjoyed, 
and look to the future 
to deepen and strengthen it 
Together we will dream, 
and we will stumble but restore each other 
I ask you to share this world with me, 
for good and ill 
and to celebrate life with me, forevermore

Vow sample #5. 
I <Bride> take you <Groom> to be my husband 
knowing in my heart that you will be a faithful friend 
and a true and loving companion. 
Today I give you my vow, 
that as your wife, 
I will always be with you and support you. 
I promise to love and care for you 
from this day forward, 
for better or for worse, 
in sickness and in health, 
in good times and in bad 
with all I have to give. 
I promise to work by your side 
to create a wonderful life, 
together with you, and as a family. 
I promise to laugh with you, 
to nurture your dreams, 
and to share with you, 
life's simplest, but most enduring pleasures. 
I promise to be truthful and honest with you,
and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.

Vow sample # 6.
<Groom>, I choose you 
To be my lifelong partner. 
I can't imagine my life without you. 
I want to spend all of my days, weeks, months and  years with you, 
Facing life's worst and celebrating life's best together. 
I'm so grateful to you 
For all of the ways that you enrich my life 
Your gentle honestly and your playful energy 
I am grateful for all the ways you enrich my son's life 
Caring for and loving <son> as if he were your own 
I am honored to be a part of <daughter's>life,  
That you would trust me to nurture and love her 
as if she were my own daughter. 
<Groom>, I promise to love you 
Today, tomorrow and forever,