
Intentions are generally the Officiant asking you to state your intentions and indicate that you are here to be married. It is the “I do” or “I will” statement often near the beginning of the ceremony. 

Intention sample #1. Bride, will you have Groom as your husband, in times of good fortune as well as adversity, forsaking all others to be a kind and faithful wife?  Do you promise to base your life with Groom on love, caring, and understanding?  Do you pledge to speak and to listen, to give and to receive, and to be considerate of his wishes and desires? I will

Intention sample #2. Groom, do you take Bride as your friend and love, beside you and apart from you, in laughter and in tears, in conflict and tranquility, asking her to be none other than herself, loving what you know of her, in all the ways that life may find you both until death do you part? I do

Intention sample #3. Groom, do you choose Bride to be your partner in all of life’s adventures, to whom you give your deepest love and devotion? Do you pledge to speak and listen, to give and receive, and to be considerate of her wishes and desires?  I do


Intention sample for couple plus parents:  Bride and Groom, with friends and family as witnesses, do you present yourselves and of you own accord to be joined in marriage?  We do

Will you promise to care for each other in the joys and sorrows of life, to be kind and faithful to each other, and to base your life together on love, caring and understanding?  We will

Will the parents of the bride and groom please rise. Will you continue to love, support, and respect Laura and Joseph in their marriage and in their journey through life? We will


Additional intention sample for the guests:  And, to everybody gathered here today, as the family and friends of Kristen and Kevin, you are here to express your love, hope and joy for this occasion. Will all of you, who have supported these two in friendship and love, now bestow your blessing upon them? Will you continue to love, support, and respect Kristen and Kevin in their marriage and in their journey through life?

(Everyone): We will


Intention sample with children: Groom and Bride, as you have made your vows to each other, with the promise of love and companionship for one another, will you also do the same for <children’s names>?

Will you promise to honor and respect them as individuals and guide their growth and development? Will you pledge to cherish them, encourage them, and make your home a place where there is trust, love, friendship and laughter?

Will you hold their hand through their mistakes rather than preventing them from making them? Will you promise to show them how to find happiness rather than tell them? Will you make these promises lovingly and freely? We will